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Discussione: what-if tab questions

  1. #1

    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2023

    what-if tab questions


    i have a paper trade on and i used one of the strategies to setup an adjustment. i applied the adjustment thinking it would just save it as as strategy 1 . however when i click through all the strategies it seems to have applied it to them all.

    may expectation ( and goal) is to see my adjustment applied to and only visible in the payoff graph for strategy 1.

    my goal is to develop alternate adjustments in strategies 3-4 and see how they compare payoff graph wise as if i click through the strategies i will see how the payoff grpahs change for each strategy. right now #1 has been applied to all..blue was the original trade while pink is the adjusted trade of strat1 and this graph appears in ALL the strategies.

    kindly help ( screenshot is below)

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Nome: bee2.PNG
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ID: 24316

  2. #2
    L'avatar di Francario Massimiliano
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2008

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da olufemig Visualizza Messaggio

    i have a paper trade on and i used one of the strategies to setup an adjustment. i applied the adjustment thinking it would just save it as as strategy 1 . however when i click through all the strategies it seems to have applied it to them all.

    may expectation ( and goal) is to see my adjustment applied to and only visible in the payoff graph for strategy 1.

    my goal is to develop alternate adjustments in strategies 3-4 and see how they compare payoff graph wise as if i click through the strategies i will see how the payoff grpahs change for each strategy. right now #1 has been applied to all..blue was the original trade while pink is the adjusted trade of strat1 and this graph appears in ALL the strategies.

    kindly help ( screenshot is below)

    Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla

Nome: bee2.PNG
Visite: 16
Dimensione: 172.5 KB
ID: 24316
    The behaviour you described is what it's expected to happen in beeTrader.
    In the What-If section you can evaluate what will happen to your strategy as the market conditions change.
    It's a simulation where you can create intermediate steps for your variations to the strategy. For each What-If evaluation step, you can evaluate up to 4 variations of your previous step strategy. When you finalize a solution, your simulation progresses to the next step using the selected variation as baseline.

    Max Francario

  3. #3

    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2023
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Francario Massimiliano Visualizza Messaggio

    The behaviour you described is what it's expected to happen in beeTrader.
    In the What-If section you can evaluate what will happen to your strategy as the market conditions change.
    It's a simulation where you can create intermediate steps for your variations to the strategy. For each What-If evaluation step, you can evaluate up to 4 variations of your previous step strategy. When you finalize a solution, your simulation progresses to the next step using the selected variation as baseline.

    Max Francario
    now that i think about it , it seems the comparison tab is better suited to this ask. my question is now this... if i want to now want to execute one of the strategies, can i do that via one of the 'action options in the menu?

  4. #4
    L'avatar di Francario Massimiliano
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2008

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da olufemig Visualizza Messaggio
    now that i think about it , it seems the comparison tab is better suited to this ask. my question is now this... if i want to now want to execute one of the strategies, can i do that via one of the 'action options in the menu?
    yes. Once you selected the strategy variation you want to apply, just click on one of the "Finalize..." buttons in the main menu.

    Max Francario

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