
Citazione Originariamente Scritto da olufemig Visualizza Messaggio

i have created a mutiple leg order ( butterfly).

i selected all 3 legs , rightclicked and went to place order. is this the only and fastest way to open a trade? where can i see how much a pay as a debit for this trade, buying power etc of the trade before placing it?

also, in a scenario where i need to take a live trade, when i pass it to IBKR, do i need to do anything in TWS? ..or is there any alert in beetrader that tells me i got filled?

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you can create a trade using the qty cells and the +/- buttons in the options chain.
Once you setup up all the quantities for all the legs, simply click on one of buttons on the main menu of beeTrader, Paper-Trading, Real-Market or Real-Market Combo.
When placing a Real-Market or Real-Market order, beetrader asks you to confirm the trade, and in the confirmation window there's a button resuming the trade costs and margins impact. These informations are broker-dependant, IB provide a limited set of data.
If you are looking for your broker account data, in the main menu go to the Broker section and click on the Account Details button.

When you place an order to IB through beeTrader you don't need to do anything in TWS. Once the order is filled beetrader will show a popup message with a description of the trade.

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