Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Leon2012 Visualizza Messaggio
Hi I always wanted to ask if I will buy at least bee-trader. So I use to make vertical spreads or vertical in a nutshell, so if I check the DPDs and see that there are defense zones on puts and the trend is bullish or sideways how should I set the strategy? Do I sell a put a little below the defense levels and buy a protective put? Do you think the purchased put must be at the same price as the one sold or a little lower? Another philosophy of mine is that I put the stop loss on the sold leg but this is because I still don't have a clear understanding of the defense mechanisms I have to study from here for this. I make a premise I'm still in demo and I think I will be until I have the first results in demo right? Playoptions which deadline do you prefer on options? What do you think of weekly expiring options are they very dangerous? Thank you and good evening everyone
i'm interested in this too.. still struggling to undersand how to levergae info from DPD