JPM scrive che il prezzo di adesso è troppo basso e ritiene che aumenterà ancora del 50%

Scrive anche che se seguisse gli aumenti delle altre commodities dovrebbe valere 300 dollari.

Avrà ragione? Spero proprio di no, però occhio a fare strategie ribassiste perchè la finanza crea dei mostri ... altro che Jurassik Park

JPM, Kolanovic’s view :

  1. Oil very cheap relative to other assets
  2. Crude would need to hit $115 to reach historical median level (~+50% compared to its last spot)

“Relative to broad levels of various asset prices and the monetary base, oil looks remarkably cheap

“One could say that oil-producing countries (often developing countries) have been subsidizing oil-importing countries (often developed countries), given the broad monetary and asset inflation in the developed world over the past 20 years.”

“The $115 a barrel estimate is actually conservative because it excludes expensive assets like central bank balance sheets and the Nasdaq stock exchange, the strategists said. If they’d been included, that would imply a median oil price in the range of $300 to $500 a barrel. However, JPM noted that this is just one way to analyze asset prices and doesn’t represent their near-term price targets”